The Bible

No book has impacted the world as much as the Bible.  It is the best-selling book of all time and one of the most widely read.

Read Your Bible

The Bible is, in fact, not one book, but a collection of 66 books containing many types of writing like history, poetry, law, and personal letters.   This collection of books was written over hundreds of years. (for more on that check out the Bible Project below)

God speaks to us through the words of the Bible.  It has everything in it we need to know to be saved and through the Holy Spirit to guide our lives.

At the same time, if we are honest, sometimes it can be hard to figure out where to get started. We are here to help, because we know how powerfully God has spoken to us through our reading of the Bible and we want you to experience that as well. The Bible is an essential part of being able to CONNECT and GROW. Here are some tips.

How to Read the Bible

  • Designate a time every day to read for at least 10 minutes.  Making this a habit will make it easier to get the feel for what you are reading. Set a goal of trying this for at least 21 days.
  • Pray as you read the Bible. We believe that God speaks to us as we read the Bible and helps us understand it.  Prayer opens the way for us to hear. You can simply pray, "God help me to hear you today."
  • Identify at least one key takeaway. You don’t have to understand everything you read. Find one thing that speaks to you.  What does your reading tell you about God, about yourself, or about a circumstance you may be facing?  The take-away could even be a new question you want to explore. Consider writing your take-away down or making it a note in an app and then praying about it.
  • Read the Bible with other people. There is nothing better to help you get more out of your Bible reading than to read it in community. That’s one of the gifts of a small group. If you are interested in finding some folks to read the Bible with, click the button. Contact us about a community group
  • Don’t try to just read it straight through. Many people get hung up when they try to read the Bible straight through. If you’ve never read it before, start with one of the books about Jesus' life; Mark, Luke, John, or Matthew is a great place to start. You might also consider using a daily devotional or finding a reading plan from somewhere like the YouVersion app listed below.
  • Let us know how we can help!  Need a Bible or a personal walk through it? We would love to hook you up. Click the button below and someone will be in touch to get you a Bible and help you get started in reading it. Contact us


Next Steps

Want to start with daily devotions?  Our Growing Edge e-devotional that comes to your email 5 times per week.  It has scripture, reflection questions, and a prayer.
Sign Up Today

YouVersion is a great Bible App that has reading plans on many topics including a whole section of reading plans for people who are new to faith. In addition to the app you can find reading plans on

The Bible Project is a very cool collection of engaging videos that bring the Bible, its content and its history to life in easy to understand ways.  Check out the whole collection of videos, but you can start with this collection on How To Read The Bible.

Read more about United Methodist beliefs about the Bible